Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Posting Comments

Want to post comments on my Super Cool Music Player?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Starring.... Me!

Here's a smilebox curtain-call for you to see....

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Starring... Felicia Peh
Create your own slideshow - Powered by Smilebox
This slideshow design made with Smilebox

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How to change to a cute blog

Step 1: Open my blog and open another tab.
Step 2: Go to your blog and sign in, and you are now in your dashboard.
Step 3: Now go back to my blog and click the icon on the top left corner of my blog.
Step 4: The icon will bring you to a website just scroll down and choose the theme you want on the right side if not there will be alot of pages!!
Step 5: Choose your favourite background and double click on it.
Step 6: Then they will teach you the steps but you will not need it.
Step 7: Go back to your blog and click on layout.
Step 8: Click on add gadgets and choose html/javascript.
Step 9: Go back again to the website and at the bottom of the page, you will need to copy the code to your html/javascript.
Step 10: After that, click on saved, and your cute background is done!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

When I was younger...

Hi all! Here's a smliebox show for you to watch.For this post, I won't talk so much but who would do the talking?

The answer is : let the smilebox 'talk'!
Click to play this Smilebox photobook: My younger times......
Create your own photobook - Powered by Smilebox
photo book customized with Smilebox

Monday, February 15, 2010

Our Information Report

For our 1st unit,We learned about the text type, Information Report. We went home and did some research on our chosen rainforest animal.My group(Doreamon),had chosen the reindeer but the next day, found out that it was not a rainforest animal(Mrs. Lam told us that)

To end our 'Unit 1',We did a group work which is an information report. To tell the truth, it was kind of fun ( Last time when I was in primary 3, I Don't like group work because my group left me out but this year, no one left me out I feel super duper happy!)Mrs Lam gave us instructions on the 'project'. she said that we need to decorate our information report,put pictures and write down the information report.In my group I was 'in charge' of telling my group who does this and who does that.Dean was given instruction to find the information while Me and Felicia Lim were told to draw a reindeer and colour it.Nadiah asked me whether she can do the border for the information report and I nodded my head.

The next day we started our 'project'.

Each of us took turns to do the write-up.

Finally, the Presentation......


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Outdoor Education Program(OEP)

After 4 weeks in the air-con,it was time to hit the outdoors!We were very eager to start our new program.

At first we thought that we will be anticipating 'Skating' but sad to say that we might take it another time.

But we soon found out that we were going to learn how to pitch a tent!Despite the hot sun and itchy grass, we did not complain.

We were engrossed by Mr. Ali's briefing.

We the girls at work:
The Boys at work:

Our tempers did not flare. No accidents occurred on the field. 4 nice tents stood erect on the field. And we showed great team-spirit and teamwork.


Monday, February 1, 2010

My Hoilday At genting Highlands

On 2nd - 4th December my family and I went to Genting Highlands for a holiday.In the morning,we woke up at around 8.30 - 9am.When we reached the Woodlands custom, it was very crowded as there were many cars there, but after a short while,we managed to "get out".It was a very long ride to Genting Highlands,but that didn't stop us from getting there.After a 6 hour ride,we arrived at Genting Highlands.It was pretty cold up there but I had lots of fun.I sat on the morail,ferris wheel,reindeer,merry-go-round.......

Time passes very fast so we must treasure it.

Here are some pictures I took when we were/at Genting Highlands/going to Genting Highlands/going home:

Here are two smilebox creations for you to see.....
Click to play this Smilebox photobook: My Fun Hoilday!
Create your own photobook - Powered by Smilebox
Make a Smilebox free photo book design

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Holiday Time!
Create your own slideshow - Powered by Smilebox
This free slideshow design made with Smilebox

Friday, January 22, 2010

Dragon's Teeth Gate

Dragon's Teeth Gate, also known as Long Ya Men, served as a navigational guide to help sailors and traders.It was located at Labrador Park, in the south of Singapore.Here's a photo of the Dragon's Teeth Gate which was put up in 2005.


Fittness Friday

This morning, it was raining cat and dogs. It had started raining when I woke up.When I reached school this morning,it was still the same.So we didn't run two rounds around the school as usual. But we,pupils didn't miss out our Fittness Friday!We exercised in the classroom ... to the video of "Witch Doctor".It was truly a fun filled day in school today.

Watch us in action:


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Our Classroom Decoration

Here are some pictures for you to see so you can have an idea of how my classroom look like and thanks to a few pupils(I am in the last photo),our classroom has became more beautiful than last year!!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Welcome to a new year!

Hello and welcome to a new year.My name is Felicia Peh.This is my first time blogging.I will be looking forward to your comments!!